Saifa Description
After bowing and announcing the name of the kata ("Saifa") ...
Yōi (cross open hands at groin level in
musubi dachi) and kiyomeri kokyū
(purification breaths)
[Kamaete is not performed in Saifa]
1 | Raise both hands to solar plexus level (left hand open; right hand in a tateken fist with its middle joints touching the base of the fingers of the left hand) whilst stepping 45 degrees to the right into migi zenkutsu dachi , then immediately pivot 135 degrees left, drawing the left foot into musubi dachi pulling both hands to the right hip with the left palm pressed against the right tateken | |
2 | Pull both hands sharply to the left hip, then step sideways with the left foot into shiko dachi as the left hand sweeps across the body and downward in shōtei-otoshi uke, followed by migi jōdan ura-ken uchi to the right side | |
3 | Reach forward with both hands at solar plexus level (right hand open; left hand in a tateken fist with its middle joints touching the base of the fingers of the right hand) whilst stepping 45 degrees to the right-front into hidari zenkutsu dachi , then immediately pivot 135 degrees right, drawing the right foot into musubi dachi pulling both hands to the left hip with the right palm pressed against the left tateken | |
4 | Pull both hands sharply to the right hip, then step sideways with the right foot into shiko dachi as the right hand sweeps across the body and downward in shōtei-otoshi uke, followed by hidari jōdan ura-ken uchi to the left side | |
5 | Reach forward with both hands at solar plexus level (left hand open; right hand in a tateken fist with its middle joints touching the base of the fingers of the left hand) whilst stepping 45 degrees to the left-front into migi zenkutsu dachi , then immediately pivot 135 degrees left, drawing the left foot into musubi dachi pulling both hands to the right hip with the left palm pressed against the right tateken | |
6 | Pull both hands sharply to the left hip, then step sideways with the left foot into shiko dachi as the left hand sweeps across the body and downward in shōtei-otoshi uke, followed by migi jōdan ura-ken uchi to the right side | |
7 | Looking 45 degrees to the right, side-step twice shoulder width to the left into hidari sagi-ashi dachi with migi-te ue shōtei hasami uke | |
8 | Migi choku geri, then (looking 45 degrees to the left) side-step twice shoulder width to the right into migi sagi-ashi dachi with hidari-te ue shōtei hasami uke | |
9 | Hidari choku geri, stepping back with the left foot to land in migi zenkutsu dachi whilst circling both arms outward and performing morote hikite, then chūdan heikō zuki | |
10 | Moving both arms in outward semi-circles migi gedan kentsui uchi striking the left palm | |
11 | Perform a Naha-te turn 180 degrees left into migi zenkutsu dachi with morote hikite, then chūdan heikō zuki | |
12 | Moving both arms in outward semi-circles hidari gedan kentsui uchi striking the right palm | |
13 | Use migi nami-gaeshi geri to initiate a 90 degree turn to the right into heikō dachi with migi jōdan uchi-otoshi to the right side with kiai | |
14 | Migi chonmage-dori, then hidari gedan ura-zuki pulling the right fist (palm down) to the right hip | |
15 | Hidari nami-gaeshi geri landing facing to left in heikō dachi with hidari jōdan uchi-otoshi to the left side and kiai | |
16 | Hidari chonmage-dori, then migi gedan ura-zuki pulling the left fist (palm down) to the left hip | |
17 | Turn 90 degrees left into migi zenkutsu dachi with gyaku-zuki | |
18 | Shift into hidari han-zenkutsu dachi, drawing the right foot forward and perform simultaneous hidari yoko uke and gyaku-zuki | |
19 | Slide the left foot forward and pivot 180 degrees right into migi kōkutsu dachi with migi gedan barai | |
20 | Shift into migi han-zenkutsu dachi, drawing the left foot forward and perform simultaneous migi yoko uke and gyaku-zuki | |
21 | Open the left hand into shutō uke whilst stepping forward with the left foot, then pivot 180 degrees right into neko-ashi dachi so the left hand performs shōtei uke | |
22 | Pull both open hands sharply to the left hip (palms facing each other), then hidari-te ue mawari uke (karami nage) |
[Zanshin yame is not performed in Saifa]