Naifanchi Nidan Description
After bowing and announcing the name of the kata ("Naifanchi Nidan") ...
Yōi(1) (cross open hands at groin level in
musubi dachi) and kiyomeri kokyū
(purification breaths)
[NOTE: kamaete is not performed in this
1 | Cross left foot in front of right foot, spreading elbows sharply to the sides at armpit level(2) | |
2 | Step right with right foot into kiba dachi(3) with migi ken-sasae soto kentsui uchi | |
Cross left foot in front of right foot, open the left hand at the crook of the right elbow and perform uchi soete-kentsui uchi(4) with the right hand (palm upward) | ||
3 | Step right with right foot into kiba dachi(3) with migi hiji-sasae waki yoko uke | |
4 | Draw left foot to right foot into musubi dachi whilst moving hands into "yōi" position(1) | |
5 | Cross right foot in front of left foot, spreading elbows sharply to the sides at armpit level(2) | |
6 | Step left with left foot into kiba dachi(3) with hidari ken-sasae soto kentsui uchi | |
7 | Cross right foot in front of left foot, open the right hand at the crook of the left elbow and perform uchi soete-kentsui uchi(4) with the left hand (palm upward) | |
8 | Step left with left foot into kiba dachi(3) with hidari hiji-sasae waki yoko uke | |
9 | In place, kote-gaseshi kansetsu waza at left side, then migi ken-sasae yoko uke | |
10 | Raise the right leg in preparation for fumikomi geri whilst performing migi ushiro hiji ate with left palm against right fist, then migi sokutō fumikomi geri(5) (in kiba dachi) and downward hiji ate (actually ippon seioinage) with left palm against right fist, then migi yoko shutō uchi and hidari kagi-zuki(6) | |
11 | Cross left foot in from of right foot, then step right with right foot into kiba dachi(3) with hidari yoko uke | |
12 | In place, migi-te ue hasami uke, followed by migi ura-ken uchi(7) with kiai, recovering to migi yoko uke position with left fist palm down beneath right elbow | |
13 | In place, kote-gaseshi kansetsu waza at right side, then hidari ken-sasae yoko uke | |
14 | Raise the left leg in preparation for fumikomi geri whilst performing hidari ushiro hiji ate with right palm against left fist, then hidari sokutō fumikomi geri(5) (in kiba dachi) and downward hiji ate (actually ippon seioinage) with right palm against left fist, then hidari yoko shutō uchi and migi kagi-zuki(6) | |
15 | Cross right foot in from of left foot, then step left with left foot into kiba dachi(3) with migi yoko uke | |
16 | In place, hidari-te ue hasami uke, followed by hidari ura-ken uchi(7) with kiai, recovering to hidari yoko uke position with right fist palm down beneath left elbow |
Zanshin yame
Naotte (perform tekagami movement while
drawing right foot to left foot into musubi dachi)
Rei (bow)