Flashing Steel:  Mastering Eishin-Ryū Swordsmanship

Flashing Steel Cover

In  1994, Shimabukuro Masayuki Hanshi asked Leonard J. Pellman Sensei to help him write a comprehensive textbook on Musō Jikiden Eishin-Ryū iaijutsu.  The result of their collaboration was Flashing Steel:  Mastering Eishin-Ryu Swordmanship, released in April 1995 by Frog Ltd., a newly established imprint of North Atlantic Books created specifically to market martial arts books.  Flashing Steel was the first book published under this new imprint, which has since expanded to more than 130 titles currently in print.

Flashing Steel was also the first book published in the English language to present the complete core curriculum of Musō Jikiden Eishin-Ryū iaijutsu, including the shoden waza, chuden waza, okuden suwari waza, okuden tachi waza, and tachiuchi no kurai, together with in-depth explanations of budō philosophy and its application to modern life.

 It is no exaggeration to say that Flashing Steel was a major influence in the growth in popularity of iaijutsu outside of Japan, where the number of practitioners (iaidōka) grew from a few hundred training at a handful of dōjō to many thousands in hundreds of dōjō.  There are now more iaidōka outside of Japan than inside the nation in which the art originated.   Since then, many more books on iaidō and Eishin-Ryū have been published by other authors, but none have matched the sales volume or reader acclaim of Flashing Steel, which remains the best selling book on Musō Jikiden Eishin-Ryū in the world.

Flashing Steel (first edition):  268 pages, 66,000 words, 438 photographs.

Second Edition (2008)

Flashing Steel Cover (2nd edition)Readers from around the world praised Flashing Steel for its clear, detailed explanation of iaijutsu techniques and philosophy.  The only significant criticism of the book was that it did not more fully depict the techniques in its photographs.  This had been done deliberately in the first edition in order to encourage readers to seek instruction from a qualified sensei, rather than try to learn the subtle intricacies of the art solely from the book.

Nevertheless, by 2007 Shimabukuro Hanshi was convinced that Flashing Steel should be updated with current and more complete photographic depictions of techniques.  Every waza described in the book was rephotographed, increasing the number of photos from 438 to 1,753.  Some of the historical and philosophical content was also revised, raising the word count from 66,000 to over 78,000.  The revised, updated, and expanded Second Edition went on sale in January 2008.

Flashing Steel, 2nd Edition:  338 pages, 78,000 words, 1,753 photographs.

25th Anniversary Memorial Edition (2020)


Class ScheduleEven before the publication of the revised edition of Flashing Steel, Shimabukuro Hanshi had been teaching portions of the curriculum that were not included in either the first or second  editions of the book.  Most notably, by 2006 or 2007, he was teaching the Battō-hō (a set of waza devised for the Japanese Navy shortly before World War II) to beginners, rather than the Seitei Kata or shoden waza he had taught beginners in the '90s.  He also taught the Tsumeai no Kurai, Bangai no Bu, and other waza to many of his yūdansha (holders of dan rank) in the late '90s and throughout the 2000s.

When the idea of a 25th anniversary edition of Flashing Steel was first suggested to Pellman Shihan in 2018 it had been nearly six years since Shimabukuro Hanshi's death, so publishing a final, updated, edition of Flashing Steel seemed to be a suitable tribute to his extraordinary life and contributions to the art of iaijutsu.  A half-dozen former senior students of Shimabukuro Hanshi promised to contribute personal anecdotes for inclusion in the memorial edition, but not one of them did so, leaving it entirely to Pellman Shihan to decide which memories of Hanshi's life and teachings to include.  Ultimately, he decided to include the entire curriculum of Musō Jikiden Eishin-Ryū as he had been taught it in the final edition, which went on sale in both printed and Kindle versions in October 2020. 

Flashing Steel, 25th Anniversary Edition:  590 pages, 129,000 words, 2,407 photographs.

Where to Buy Flashing Steel

Mise (Store)Online Bookstores:  The 25th Anniversary edition of Flashing Steel is available from major online bookstores, including:

 • Amazon (print and Kindle versions available)
 • Barnes & Noble (print and Nook versions available)
 • Books-A-Million (print edition only)

Used Bookstores:  To save money, or to acquire a souvenir copy of an out-of-print edition, copies of the current and previous editions are often  available from online used book sellers like:

 • Thriftbooks
 • Abe Books

Seishin-Kan Online Store:  print editions autographed by co-author, Leonard J. Pellman can be purchased from our own online store.

In Person:  print editions autographed by co-author, Leonard J. Pellman can also be  purchased in person at any regularly scheduled class at Victory Dōjō or any of Pellman Shihan's seminars or public appearances.

Autographed Copies

A copy of the 25th Anniversary Memorial Edition of Flashing Steel autographed by co-auther, Leonard J. Pellman, can be purchased through this website, at Victory Dōjō, or at any of Pellman Shihan's seminars and public appearances.

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