Glossary of Karate Terms

KANJI:  Sei - Shin - Kan

This glossary contains terminology that is specific to the arts of karate-dō.  These are terms participants will frequently encounter during our classes, so it is vital that students of these arts become familiar with the words and their meanings.  This glossary is also provided for the benefit of any non-member visitors to our website as an aid in understanding our explanations of the arts we teach.

We also maintain a separate glossary of general Japanese terminology used on this website here, as well as glossaries specific to the other arts we teach at the Seishin-Kan:
 n Nippon Budō
 n Okinawa Kobujutsu
 n Aiki-jūjutsu

For a more complete explanation of the correct pronunciation of Japanese words, please refer to our Pronunciation Guide.

We hope you will find this information useful, and we welcome your suggestions (to our Webmaster) for additions or changes to this glossary.

Common Terms Used In Karate-dō


[Aa]   [Bb]  [Cc]  [Dd]  [Ee]  [Ff]  [Gg]  [Hh]  [Ii]  [Jj]  [Kk]  [Mm]  [Nn]  [Oo]  [Pp]  [Rr]  [Ss]  [Tt]  [Uu]  [Ww]  [Yy]  [Zz]

Japanese English
Term (Rōmaji) 日本語 Pronunciation Equivalent
agura 胡坐 ah-goo-rah sit cross-legged
age 上げ ah-geh upward, rising, lifting
age uke 上げ受け ah-geh oo-keh upward/lifting block
ago ah-go chin
aisatsu 挨拶 eye-sahts courteous (formal) greetings
aiuchi 合い打ち eye-oo-ch' simultaneous strike(s), mutual kill
aka(i) 赤(い) ah-kah(ee) red
aka(i) 紅(い) ah-kah(ee) dark red
ashi ah-sh' foot, feet
ashikubi 足首 ah-sh'-koo-bee ankle, ankles
ashita 明日 ah-sh'-tah tomorrow
atama ah-tah-mah head
bōgu 防具 bow-goo protective equipment
bōgyo waza 防禦技 bow-gyoe wah-zah defensive technique(s)
choku choke straight, direct
choku-geri 直蹴り choke-gary straight kick, forward kick
choku-zuki 直突き choke-zoo-key straight punch
chūdan 中段 chew-dawn middle level, mid-height
dan dawn level, step
danketsu 団結 dawn-kets' unity, togetherness
danketsushin 団結 dawn-kets'-sheen unity, togetherness
dantai 団体 dawn-tye group, team, together
dantai embu 団体演武 dawn-tye em-boo group/team performance
dōjō 道場 doe-joe training place
dōjōkun 道場 doe-joe-koon Code of the Dōjō
embu 演武 em-boo performance of bujutsu
embusen 演舞線 em-boo-sen line or sequence of performance
empi 猿臂 em-pee elbow
empi-uchi 猿臂打ち em-pee oo-ch' elbow strike (alternate term)
fudo 不動 foo-doh immovable
fudo-dachi 不動立ち foo-doh-dotch' immovable stance
fudoshin 不動心 foo-doh-sheen immovable or indomitable spirit
futari 二人 f'-tah-ree two people
futari geiko 二人稽古 f'-tah-ree gay-koe training with a partner
gasshuku 合宿 goss-shoo-k' training camp
geri 下痢 geh-ree diarrhea
gi gee clothing, uniform
go go five
gobu-zuki 五部突き go-boo zoo-kee half-inch punch
go hard, firm
gōjū 剛柔 go-jew hard-and-soft, firm-and-gentle
gōjū-ryū 剛柔流 go-jew-r'yoo name of a major Naha-te karate style
gōhō 剛法 go-hoe hard (striking) methods
go go after, later (also used to imply reactive or delayed action)
goshin 護身 go-sheen self defence
goshin jutsu 護身術 go-sheen jew-ts' self-defence technique(s)
gyaku gyah-koo reverse, opposite direction
gyaku mikazuki geri   gyah-koo mee-kah-zoo-kee geh-ree reverse crescent-moon kick
gyaku-zuki 逆突き gyah-koo zoo-kee reverse-hand punch
hai はい high yes
hairei 拝礼 high-ray venerating bow (to founder, dojo emblem, dignitaries, etc.)
haishu 背手 high-shoo flat of the hand (back)
hajime 始め ha-jee-meh begin, start, firt time
han hahn half
hana haw-naw nose
hana haw-naw flower
hanmi 半身 hahn-mee half-turned body
hantai 反対 hahn-tye switch (hands, feet, places, etc.)
hara haw-raw abdomen
hasami haw-saw-mee scissors
hasami-uke 鋏受け haw-saw-mee oo-kay scissors-block
heiko 平行 hey-koe parallel
heisoku 平足 hey-soak' feet side-by-side
heihō 兵法 hey-hoe military methods (martial arts)
henka 変化 hen-kah variation, alteration
hidari hee-daw-ree left
hiji hee-jee elbow
hiji-ate 肘当て hee-jee ah-tay elbow strike (preferred term)
hiki 引き hee-kee pulling
hikite 引き手 hee-kee-teh pulling hand
hikiwake 引き分け hee-kee-wah-kay drawn match, tie game
hiku 引く hee-koo to pull (verb)
hira-basami 平鋏 hee-raw bah-saw-mee flat scissors (open hand with thumb protruding)
hira-ken 平拳 hee-raw ken flat fist ( fingers curled at middle joint)
hiza hee-zaw knee
hiza-geri 膝蹴り hee-zaw geh-ree knee-strike
hoe method, technique
ichi each' one
ie いいえ ee-eh no
ii いい ee good
ippon 一本 eep-poan one point, one step, one cylindrical object
itadaku 頂く ee-tah-daw-koo to receive (a gift, etc.)
itai 痛い ee-tye painful
jaken 邪拳 jaw-ken evil fist
jōdan 上段 joe-dawn upper level
jōsokutei 上足定 joe-soak'-tay ball of the foot
jōzu 上手 joe-zoo skillful
jūhō 柔法 jew-hoe soft (non-striking) methods
jumbi 準備 joom-bee readiness
jun-zuki 順突き joon-zoo-kee punch with same-side hand as lead foot
kagami kah-gah-mee mirror
kansetsu 関節 kahn-sets' joint
kakete 掛け手 kah-keh-teh grasping hand
kakato kah-kah-toh heel of the foot (back of the heel)
kasokutei 下足定 kah-soak-tay underside of the heel
kata kah-tah shoulder
kata kah-tah pattern of techniques
katachi kah-tah-ch' pattern of movements
katate 片手 kah-tah-teh one-handed
ken ken sword
ken ken fist
kentsui 拳鎚 ken-tsoo-ee hammer-fist (bottom of fist)
keri 蹴り keh-ree kick, kicking
kerikata 蹴り方 keh-ree kah-tah kicking methods
ki kee spirit
kihaku 気迫 kee-hawk' intense spirit
kime 気目 kee-meh focus, precision
kobushi koe-boo-sh' fist
koken 弧拳 koe-ken bent-wrist fist
koko ここ koe-koe here
kokoro koe-koe-roe heart
kokoro-e 心得 koe-koe-roe-eh principles, precepts, ideals
kono この koe-noe this (tangible object)
kore これ koe-reh this (intangible thing or idea)
koryū 古流 koe-r'yoo old style, old school, ancient ways
kōsa 交叉 koe-saw crossed (wrists, legs, arms, fingers, etc.)
kote 小手 koe-teh wrist
ko-uke 弧受け koe oo-keh bent-wrist block
kuchi koo-ch' mouth
kumite 組手 koo-mee-teh sparring ("crossing hands")
kuri uke 栗受け koo-ree-oo-keh spinning or whirling block
ma mah distance, interval
maai 間合い mah-eye distance control
mae mah-eh front, frontward
mae ni 前に mah-eh nee in front of
mawari   mah-wah-ree turning
mawari kata   mah-wah-ree kah-tah turning methods
mawashi   mah-wah-sh' turning, winding
mawashi geri   mah-wah-sh' geh-ree turning kick, roundhouse kick
mawashi uke   mah-wah-sh' oo-keh winding block
mawatte   mah-watt-teh turn around (command)
me meh eye(s)
me tsuke 目付 meh ts'-keh eye contact ("affix the eyes")
me tsubushi 目潰し meh ts'-boo-sh' "destroy the eyes" (blind or obstruct opponent's view)
men men face
menuki 目貫 meh-noo-kee metal decorations on the tsuka
migi mee-gee right, rightward
mimi mee-mee ear(s)
mine mee-neh spine, center of the back
mitori geiko 看取り稽古 mee-toe-ree gay-koe learn by observation ("train by capturing with the eyes")
mokusō 黙想 moe-k'-so focusing the mind ("silent thought")
mon moan emblem, symbol, crest, logo
monouchi 物打 mow-noh-oo-ch' ideal cutting or striking portion of a weapon
mune moo-neh chest, bosom, breast
munemachi 棟区 moo-neh-mah-ch' notch separating nakago from mune
musha 武者 moo-shaw a peacemaker, a budōka
musha shugyō 武者修行 moo-shaw shoo-gyo training journey
mushin 無心 moo-sheen empty mind (limitless mental capacity)
naka nah-kah center, middle, inside, within
nukite   noo-key-teh spear-hand
nukite tsuki   noo-key-teh tsoo-kee spear-hand strike (thrust)
o- oh honorific (extra polite)
ō- owe big, large, great
obi oh-bee belt, sash
okuri ashi 送り足 oh-koo-ree ah-sh' front foot leads moving forward; rear foot leads moving backward
onore oh-no-reh self, oneself
otagai ni お互いに oh-tah-guy-nee face toward, facing toward
rakkan shugi 楽観主義 rock-kahn shoo-gee optimistic attitude
rei ray respect
reigi 礼儀 ray-gee respectfulness, politeness
reihō 礼法 ray-hoe acts of respect
reishiki 礼式 ray-shee-kee formal etiquette
renshū 練習 ren-shoo training for mastery ("polishing")
riron 理論 ree-roan principles, concepts
ritsurei 立礼 ree-ts'-ray standing bow
ryaku r'yah-koo fusion of technique
ryoku r'yoe-koo power
ryōte 両手 r'yoe-teh (using) both hands
ryū r'yoo style, school, system, teachings, ("flow")
ryū-ha 流派 r'yoo-hah schools, styles, branches, and divisions (as a whole)
sage 下げ saw-geh low, lowered
sahō 作法 saw-hoe preparation (mental, phyisical, and spiritual)
saki saw-kee edge
sasae   saw-saw-eh supported, braced
satsujinken 殺人 saw-ts'-jeen-ken murdering fist (fist used to intentionally harm others)
seimei 生命 say-may life, living, being alive
seiretsu 整列 say-reh-ts' line up ("adjust alignment")
seishin 正心 say-sheen pure, true, righteous heart
seitai 正体 say-tie face straight on, body square to opponent ("true body")
seito 生徒 say-toh student, pupil
seitō 正統 say-toe traditional, authentic, classic
seiza 正座 say-zah sit on heels with feet flat ("true sit")
seme 攻め seh-meh maintain pressure on opponent ("attack")
sen sen before, prior (implies initiative or preemption)
sempai 先輩 sem-pie senior student
sensei 先生 sen-say teacher, instructor ("previously born")
setsudo 節度 seh-ts'-doh discipline
shiai 試合 shee-eye match, contest, tournament
shikata 仕方 sh'-kah-tah user (person using technique being practiced)
shin sheen heart, mind, spirit
shinobi shee-no-bee stealth (also a term for ninja)
shinobu 忍ぶ shee-no-boo move stealthily (verb)
shinsa 審査 sheen-saw test, examination (for rank promotion)
shiro(i) 白(い) shee-roh(ee) white
shisei 姿勢 shee-say posture, bearing
shisei 至誠 shee-say sincerity, integrity
shitachi 仕太刀 sh'-tah-ch' using sword (sword applying attack being practiced)
shizentai 自然体 shee-zen-tie natural stance, posture ("natural body")
shōbu 勝負 show-boo a match, bout, or round in a contest ("victory-defeat")
shōmen 正面 show-men center of the face ("true face")
soete 添えて so-eh-teh reinforced, reinforcing, supported, stabilised
soete uke 添えて so-eh-teh oo-keh reinforced block
sori 反り soe-ree amount of curvature in a sword blade
suigetsu 水月 swee-geh-ts' the moon's reflection in water ("water moon")
suigetsu 水月 swee-geh-ts' solar plexus, abdominal nerve centre
suishin 水心 swee-sheen mental agility ("water mind")
suri-ashi 摺り足 soo-ree ah-sh' move by sliding feet on the floor
suwari 座り soo-wah-ree sitting, seated
suwari-waza 座り技 soo-wah-ree wah-zah seated techniques (waza that begin in seiza or tatehiza)
suwatte 座って soo-watt-teh sit down, be seated (command)
tabi 足袋 tah-bee split-toed stockings worn with waraji, zōri, or geta
tabi tah-bee a journey, travels, wandering
tachi 太刀 tah-ch' sword ("large sword")
tachi 立ち tah-ch' stance, standing, upright
tachirei 立ち礼 tah-ch'-ray standing bow
tachi-uchi no kurai 太刀打ちの位 tah-chee-oo-ch' no koo-rye kumitachi drills for iaijutsu
taikai 大会 tie-kye  convention, tournament ("large meeting")
taitō 帯刀 tie-toe insert(ing) sword(s) in belt
tameshigiri 試し切り tah-meh-shee-gee-ree test cutting (common use)
tanden 丹田 tahn-den lower abdomen
tanren 鍛錬 tahn-ren hard training ("tempering" or "forging")
tatehiza 立膝 tah-teh-hee-zah sitting with one knee raised ("upright knee")
te teh hand(s)
te no uchi 手の内 teh no oo-ch' within the hands (fine points of gripping a sword)
te nugui 手拭い teh new-gooey hand towel, wash cloth (used under kendō headgear)
teitō 剃刀 tay-toe holding/carrying the sword (in left hand)
teki teh-kee enemy, opponent
toe sword (alternate pronunciation of katana)
tōrei 刀礼 toe-ray bow(ing) to the sword
tōshin 刀身 toe-sheen "body of the sword" (bare sword without koshirae or saya)
tsuba tsoo-bah guard, shield
tsuba-wari 鍔割 tsoo-bah wah-ree split(ting) the tsuba (also a weapon by that name)
tsuba-zeria 鍔迫り合 tsoo-bah zeh-ree-ah clashing tsuba-to-tsuba with opponent
tsugi-ashi 次足 tsoo-gee ah-sh' another term for yori ashi
tsuji-giri 辻斬り tsoo-jee gee-ree murdering peasants to test a new or re-polished blade
tsuka tsoo-kah handle
tsuka-gashira 柄頭 tsoo-kah gashira butt-cap of the tsuka
tsuka-ito 柄糸 tsoo-kah ee-toh string(s) for wrapping the tsuka
tsuka-maki 柄巻 tsoo-kah mah-kee wrapping a tsuka, or tsuka wrappings (in place)
tsuka-zeria 柄迫り合 tsoo-kah zeh-ree-ah clashing tsuka-to-tsuka with opponent
tsukekomi 付け込み ts'-keh-koh-mee seize the opportunity/initiative
tsukeru 付ける ts'-keh-roo to affix, stick to, connect (verb)
tsuki 突き tsoo-kee thrust, punch
tsukidashi 突き出し tsoo-kee-dah-sh' run through
uchi 打ち oo-ch' to strike, to hit
uchikata 受ち方 oo-ch'-kah-tah receiver (person receiving technique being practiced)
ue oo-eh up, upward
uke 受け oo-keh block, intercept, deflect
ukemi 受身 oo-keh-mee controlled falling ("receiving body")
ukenagashi 受け流し oo-keh-nah-gah-sh' flowing deflection ("flowing reception") of an attack
ushiro 後ろ oo-shee-roe rear, rearward, backward
uwagi 上着 oo-wah-gee gi jacket ("upper clothing")
wa wah peace, harmony (also nickname for Japan)
wa wah ring, ring-shaped
wa uke wah oo-keh ring-shaped block
waka musha 若武者 wah-kah moo-shaw young bushi
waki wah-kee side, beside
waza wah-zah technique
yama yah-mah mountain
yama uke yah-mah oo-keh 山-shaped block
yamato 大和 yah-mah-toh a nickname for Japan
yame 止め yah-meh stop (command)
yasunde 休んで yah-soon-deh rest, relax (command)
yoko yoh-koh sideways, sideward
yokomen 横面 yoh-koh-men side of the face (usually temple)
yoko tsuki yoh-koh tsoo-kee sideways punch
yoko uke yoh-koh oo-keh sideways block
yoko sokuto geri yoh-koh soak-toe geh-ree sideways foot-edge kick
yūdansha 有段者 you-dawn-shaw a person holding dan rank
zanshin 残心 zahn-sheen "leave mind" (awareness of surroundings)
zōri 草履 zoe-ree Japanese thong-sandals


More complete glossaries of terms used in a variety of budō are available in our members' area.

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